Magazine online – 2022 – n.1
3. L’editoriale | Dott. Filippo Maselli
5 Dott.ssa Antonella Roncone
Manual therapy with and without vestibular rehabilitation for cervicogenic dizziness: a systematic review
11 Dott. Giovanni Galeoto
Metodologia della ricerca, la cassetta degli attrezzi L’utilizzo delle revisioni sistematiche e meta-analisi come buone pratiche cliniche in ambito riabilitativo.
16 Dott. Saad Youssef | GTM Educational Committee
Un esempio di adattamento – “Flectamur facile, ne frangamur” “Pieghiamoci dolcemente, ma senza spezzarci.”
18 Dott. Fabio Fiorentino
Effectiveness of surgical versus conservative treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: A systematic review, meta-analysis and qualitative analysis
27 Dott.ssa Giulia Caffini · Tesi di Master
Knowledge of and Adherence to Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines and Recommendations for Ankle Sprains Management: a Survey among Italian Physiotherapists
34 Dott.ssa Giulia Zanola
The effects of eccentric and plyometric training programs and their combination on stability and the functional performance in the post-ACL-surgical rehabilitation period of elite female athletes